Thursday, December 17, 2009


Had a hankering for a toasted cheese sandwich and the only bread in the house was cinnamon raisin from La Panciata in Norwich.  So I figured I'd go ahead - how bad could it be?  I made it with mild Cabot cheddar [ sharp, actually, which is milder than some of the other cheddars. the one in the green box  Forgotten how good this is]. Best toasted cheese sandwich I've had in a long, long, time, and cinnamon raisin with cheddar will be my Go To cheese sandwich for quite a while.  So much fun to make a discovery this way.  The little dark spots on top are the raisins.


  1. Luscious photo. I'm going to make myself a toasted cheese/apple/honey mustard sandwich for lunch. Wish I had raisin bread!

  2. Had another unexpected toasted cheese sandwich discovery tonight - will post when I take a picture another time. Do you toast with the apple in the sandwich, or add it after?

  3. Kathy, ;this looks amazing. I love your blog. so glad I happened upon it today. I love it and will now follow you. When you have time, come and see my blog. I'd be proud and honored to have you as a friend/follower. Happy New Year, Keri (aka Sam)

  4. When I saw this sandwich on Photograzing, my stomach growled and I salivated. Literally. I would have never thought of doing this, and now I don't know why.

  5. Sage Trifle: I never would have thought of it either. These spontaneous things don't usually turn out this well! It helped that the cinnamon raising bread was so good. Hope you try it and like it.

  6. Hi CJ -

    Did you try this? Glad you liked it.
